Exploring Life: Summer Hikes

Outdoor enthusiast and editor of many publications, check out Peter Marteka’s suggested summer hikes. Have fun out there:

South Meadows River Trail in East Hartford, Glastonbury, and Wethersfield. “With the completion of a new multiuser path to the Putnam Bridge, the South Meadows River Trail just got more expansive. The hike is a combination of paved trails and dirt and stone dust paths along the banks of the Connecticut River.”

Nod Way Trails, Avon. “If you really want to explore Talcott Mountain State Park, check out the Avon Land Trust’s Nod Way Trails that take you along the valley of Talcott Mountain through forest lined with paths lined with ferns. One cool stop, the site of monument rocks, is Tinker’s Midden, where you will find discarded cookware and other artifacts from the 19th century.”

Rand’s View, Salisbury. “A journey along the Appalachian Trail from Great Falls to Rand’s View will bring you to arguably the best view in Connecticut — the “Niagara Falls of New England.” The hike to the top of the 1,475-foot-high Mount Prospect is a constant climb with an overlook and beautiful view.”

Farmington history hikes: a lost zoo and ghostly canal as well as Shade Swamp, Click here to read the entire article.